
নবম শ্রেণি (মাধ্যমিক ২০২৪) - ইংরেজি - English - | NCTB BOOK

8.1.1 Suppose, you have discovered a huge hidden treasure or got any superpower. Now in pairs/groups, discuss and write the answers to the following questions.


মনে করো, তুমি বিশাল গুপ্তধন খুঁজে পেয়েছো অথবা কোনো অতিমানবীয় শক্তির অধিকারী হয়েছো। জোড়ায় বা দলে আলোচনা করে নিচের প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর লেখো। 

i) What treasure/ superpower have you got? 

ii) How did you feel after getting the treasure/ superpower? 

iii) What is your plan with that treasure/ superpower?

8.1.2 Now, let's be more creative and, in groups, develop a story using our imagination!

Reflect on Activity 8.1.1 and write a story on the treasure or super power you have got. Follow the given steps to do the activity.


চলো আরো সৃজনশীল হই এবং দলে আমাদের কল্পনার সাহায্যে একটি গল্প লেখি!

Activity 8.1.1 এর উপর ভিত্তি করে তোমার পাওয়া 'গুপ্তধন' অথবা 'অতিমানবীয় শক্তি' নিয়ে একটি গল্প লেখো। কাজটি করার জন্য নিচের ধাপগুলো অনুসরণ করো।

i) Discuss and write the outline of the story first. 

ii) Choose a suitable title for your story. 

iii) Now, each student will write one or two sentences to develop the story following the outline. Use your imagination and feel free to add what comes to your mind. 

iv) When the first draft of the story is completed, re-read it together and make changes if required. 

v) Finally, present your story to the class.


8.1.3 Now, reflect on the Activity in 8.1.2 and in groups, ask and answer the following questions


দলে, Activity 8.1.2 অনুসরণ করে নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো জিজ্ঞেস করো এবং উত্তর দাও।



Now, read the poem again and write the answers to the following questions. Later, check your answers in pairs/groups.


i) Have you found any imaginary character in the poem? If yes, what is that? 

ii) What would the poet do in his imagination?

iii) What do the words "sleep" and "wake" in the poem symbolise? 

iv) Do you think the use of imagery helps the readers to understand the poet's imagination?


8.2.2. Read the following images the poet used in the poem in the left column and notice how the poet used those images in the right column.

বাম কলামে দেওয়া কবিতায় ব্যবহৃত image গুলো পড়ো এবং ডান কলামে কবি ঐ image- গুলো কিভাবে ব্যবহার করেছেন তা লক্ষ্য করো।



i. Two little wingsThe image of small, delicate wings, evoking the idea of flight and freedom.
ii. To you I'd fly, my dearA visual image of the speaker flying toward their loved one, emphasizing their longing for physical closeness.
iii. The world is all one's ownAn image of the world as a personal domain, belonging solely to the individual.
Now, it is your turn to explain how the poet used the following two images to describe his imagination.
iv. In my sleep to you I fly 
v. And then one wakes, and where am I? All, all alone. 


8.3.1 Read the following notes on Imagery, Simile, As, Like, Metaphor and do the activities that follow.

Imagery, Simile, As, Like, এবং Metaphor বিষয়ক নিচের নোটটি পড়ো এবং পরের কাজগুলো করো। 

1. Imagery

Firstly, let's reflect on our learning of imagery in grade 8!

Imagery is a language used by poets, novelists and other writers to create images in the minds of the readers through their senses.

Usually, in writing, the authors use visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile imageries that deal with the five basic human senses, namely sight, hearing, smell, taste and feel or touch.

Both similes and metaphors are two forms of imagery that the authors use to allow the readers to clearly see, touch, taste, smell, and hear what is happening in a literary text.

Now, read the imagery,ies simile and metaphor again.




A simile is a figure of speech, and it is mainly used to compare two or more things that possess a similar quality. A simile is defined as "a word or phrase that compares something to something else, using the words like or as." For example, as white as milk, black like hair, brave like a lion, busy like bees, as fast as a cheetah. A Simile is a powerful tool for making language more interesting, descriptive, and creative.


1) As


An example sentence- My mother looks as fresh as a daisy.

Here, my mother is compared to a daisy which gives a clear idea about my mother's look. It also helps us create a mental picture of what, how my mother looks like.

2) Like

An example sentence- "The girls meantime spread the table, set the children round the fire, and fed them like so many hungry birds"

In this example, the children are being compared to hungry birds. Readers who are familiar with birds can imagine how birds sometimes chirp, and can be fragile and a bit nervous or shy. A simile provides a mental image to the readers or listeners. That is how it makes a better connection between a reader/listener and the text. So, from common conversation to poetry, similes are almost required for creative expression.



Metaphors is a powerful tool in language and can help learners better understand complex ideas and express themselves more creatively. A metaphor is a figure of speech used to describe something by comparing it to something else. Unlike similes, which use "like", "" or "as" to make a comparison, metaphors state that one thing is another.

For example, "Life is a journey" is a metaphor that compares life to a journey. In metaphor, we compare the two things that may not have anything in common.

In other words, the metaphor can help create a more vivid and meaningful image in the reader's mind by comparing two things that are not usually associated with each other. This comparison can help to convey complex ideas in a simple and memorable.

For example, "The king was a lion" is a metaphor that compares the bravity of the king with a lion.

"He has a heart of stone." This metaphor compares someone's emotional state to an inanimate object. It suggests that they are unfeeling or cold-hearted.

"She was a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day." This metaphor compares someone's personality to a sunny day. It suggests that they bring joy and happiness to others.

Again, "Life is a rollercoaster." This metaphor compares life to a rollercoaster ride. It suggests that it has ups and downs and can be both exciting and scary.

8.3.2 First read the short text on the celebrated poet Emily Dickinson. Then, in pairs recite one of her imaginative poems "Hope" is the thing with feathers in pairs. Later, recite the poem for the whole class.

বিখ্যাত কবি Emily Dickinson এর উপর ছোট টেক্সটি পড়ো। জোড়ায় তাঁর কল্পনা-আশ্রিত কবিতা "Hope" is the thing with feathers আবৃত্তি করো। পরে শ্রেণিতে আবৃত্তি করে শোনাও।


A short biography of Emily Dickinson.




Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), is one of the most American celebrated and enigmatic poets. She was born into a prominent and intellectually inclined family sachusetts. She grew up in a well-educated and religious sehold, with her father, Edward Dickinson, serving as a wyer and treasurer of Amherst College. Despite receiving good education, she was a reclusive and introverted individual, preferring the solitude of her family home, the Dickinson Homestead. She explored themes of nature, love, death, immortality, and the human spirit. Her poetry was characterized by its unconventional use of punctuation, dashes, and capitalization, which has led to various interpretations of her work. During her lifetime, only a few of her poems were published anonymously as ne kept the majority of her writing private. After her death, sister, Lavinia discovered her extensive collection of and diligently worked to have them published. The first collection, "Poems of Emily Dickinson," was published in 1890. Emily Dickinson's poetry was unconventional in style and themes. But her poems continue to captivate readers worldwide for their depth of emotion, keen observation, and philosophical insights. Her poetry continues to inspire countless readers solidifying her legacy as a unique and profound voice in the world of poetry.
 Now, discuss and read the given metaphors used in this poem in the left column of the grid carefully. Write the explanation of those in the right column. (One is done for you.)

 বাম কলামে দেওয়া কবিতায় ব্যবহৃত রূপকগুলো (metaphors) আলোচনা করে মনোযোগের সাথে পড়ো। ডান কলামে ঐ রূপকগুলোর ব্যাখ্যা লেখো। (একটি উদাহরণ তোমার জন্য করে দেওয়া হলো।)







How the metaphors enhance my under- standing


a. "Hope" is the thing with feathers


The metaphor suggests that hope is like a bird that doesn't need spe- cific words to convey its message. It is a form of expression that goes beyond language



b. That perches in the soul





c. And sings the tune with- out the words



d. And never stops - at all



e. And sweetest in the Gale - is heard



f. That could abash the little Bird



g. That kept so many warm



h. I've heard it in the chillest land



i. And on the strangest Sea



j. Yet never in Extremity, It asked a crumb of me.




8.3.3 Now, re-read the poem and write a summary of the poem following the steps of writing a summary. Later, check your summary in pairs and submit a copy of your summary to your teacher.

কবিতাটি আবার পড়ো এবং সারমর্ম লেখার ধাপ অনুসরণ করে কবিতাটির সারমর্ম লেখো। জোড়ায় সারমর্মটি যাচাই করো এবং একটি কপি শিক্ষকের কাছে জমা দাও।

8.4.1 Let us work on imaginative interpretation. To perform it, you need to-

চলো কল্পিত কোনো ব্যাখ্যার উপর কাজ করি। এটা করার জন্য তোমার যা প্রয়োজন হবে-

a. Work in a group of 6 

b. Select any poem from your Bangla and English textbooks. (You can even select one of three poems from this experience, Coleridges If I Had But Two Little Wings," Dickinson's "Hope" Is the Thing with Feathers, and Ginsberg's Homework). 

c. Now, analyse the theme of imagination used in this poem. 

d. You must discuss metaphors, images and symbols used in this poem. 

e. After this, express your personal reflections on - 

f. Which poem is connected with you the most, and why?



New Words: enigmatic, unconventional, interpretation, extensive, meditation, furthermore, exploration, controversial, demonstrate, perspective, proactive, intensity.

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